This FM clock radio will charge your mobile device while you sleep and wakes you with a gently rising alarm tone or radio statioN
- There's also a sleep timer, so you can fall asleep listening to the radio too
- Mirror finish display with large clock digits
- The large digits means the mirror finished display is easy to see, and you can adjust the brightness to suit your room
- Simple controls take care of setting the alarm, volume, and tuning
- A handy USB port lets you use the clock radio's power supply to charge your phone while you sleep
- This alarm clock also has a battery backup
- If there's a power failure, you won't have to reset the clock and your alarm will go off on time
- The dual alarm function lets you set two alarms, both of which can be set to use either an alarm tone or the radio
- Perfect if you are likely to snooze through the first alarm
- Or if your partner needs to wake before you